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Local History Articles

Survey of Bilsdale, 1637

The 1637 survey is entitled"The rentail & survey of divers mannors, lands, tenements & hereditaments in the countie of York beinge in the inheritance of the Right Honourable George Earle of Rutland and now in his posession, taken the 28 day in the twelth (sic) yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne lord Kinge Charles that now ys etc., upon the severall presentments made by divers auncient & sufficient men of every manor & lordshipp & by survey of Henry Pelham, Francis Harker & John Wells esquires, commissioners authorized in that behalf by the said Earle etc."

The survey lists the various holdings in Bilsdale Kirkham and Bilsdale Rievaulx.  Each entry indicates the tennant, the dwelling, the individual fields rented and the total rent payable.  Many farm names are recognisable, but some are not, or are unclear.  The Bilsdale Local History Group has used these surveys to identify "lost farms"

Below is a list of the entries in the 1637 survey in the order in which they appear.  This may help in researching family history or farm ownerships.  Please let us know if you carry out any research using this information.

Properties in Bilsdale Kirkham are listed first followed by Bilsdale Rievaulx. 

Manerium de Bilsdale Kirkham

William Hoggard      Oakeheade
William Wood          Bankehowse
said William Wood   Seavegreene Howse
Anthony Laynge       Preesthouse
Richard Blackett sen. Brodefeild
Richard Blackett      Norwoodes
William Garbutt jun   Garthwaite
Thomas Launde       Lonynge House
Richard Hewgill       Hastybanke
John Hewgill            Waterstone House
John Carter              Spouthowse
William Watson        Dockinggarthe Howse
Anthony Coverdell   West Parkes
Richard Blackett jun Burtre Howse
Thomas Jenkenson   Middlehead
Elizabeth Flintofte     North Howse
John Carter              Burtre Hill
Margrett Laynge      Guilde Howse
Katherine Laynge    Chissell Hill
Thomas Laynge       Reggitt Howse
Lawrance Wood     Elmetre Howse
Alce Webster          Seave Outgane
Richard Mann         Bilsedale Hall
said Richard Mann  Howse on the Greene
Lawrance Laynge    Hill Howse
William Garbutt       Stonehowse Coate
John Wood             Pootehowse
same John Wood    Broade Heade
Mathew Wood        Potter Howse
Elizabeth Kirk         Todd Howse
Leonard Laynge      Espehowse
Henry Garbutt one intack, ten acres
William Kilvart        Cockflatt
Thomas Atkinson    West Coate
William Kilvart        Jophowse
Stephen Hewgill one intack ten acres
Mary Barle one intck 15 acres
William Webster one corne mill

Manerium de Bilsdale Ryvalx

Robert Cooper 1/2 of Stony Slack Howse
Ralfe Cooper 1/4 of SSH
Widdowe Spooneton 1/4 of SSH
John Freer               Bawdwin Heade
William Snawden     Stangley Howse
Margery Jackson     Farehill
William Warde        Newgate Foote
Alexander Watson   Fether Holme
Thomas Ayton          Breckhead
George Bates           Lascgill Howse
Richard Boyes         Oak Close House
Edward Daile          2/3 of Pinder Howse
Mary Coates           1/3 of PH
Roger Smyth           Carr Coate
Katherine Leynge    New House
John Helme             Braconhow
Roger Easton          Burton Shawe
Anthony Garbutt      Levarackhall
John Kirke              Spoothowse
Richard Watson      Hollinge Bower
Richard Dobson      1/2 of Crofthowmate
John Dobson           1/2 of Crofthowmate
Thomas Addamson 1/2 of Bracon hill
Margrett Helme widdowe 1/2 of Bracon hill
Jane Coates            Stutstyes
John Duck              Yowe Coate
said John Duck       1/2 Cowholme
Thomas Trowsdale  Abbott Howse
Richard Moone       Buthowse
Francis Marshall      Crosholme
Christopher Trowsedale Appletree Hurst
John Hart                 1/2 Cowhellme
Christopher              Trowsdale one intack
John Fletcher           Hagge Howse
John Fletcher jun     2/3 Studfast Hill
Richard Kirke         1/3 Studfast Hill
John Fletcher sen    Oake Howse
Richard Trowsdale  Thorne Hill
Richard Carter         one little tenement
Thomas Barker        one intack called Gill Howse
George Warde         Ellermyre
John Garbutt            Omanes Lodge
Jane Barley widdowe Bakell Greenes
Thomas Atkinson      one intack
Ralfe Atkinson          William Beck
Crathorne Ashley      Cold Moore Coate
Thomas Garbutt        Middle Howse
William Garbutt         Hall Garthe
John Hewitson          Clay House
Robert Garbutt          1/2 Broome Flatt
Isabell Garbut widdowe 1/2 Broome Flatt
Leonard Saunderson  Broade Twhaite House
Christopher Flintofte  Staindale Coate
Christopher Bowes, John Bowes,
William Bowes Mawkin Bower

Roger Bowes           Fangill Beck
John Garbutt            Helme House
Samuell Easton        Wool House Crofte
Ralfw Flintofte         one cottage on the moor
Anthony Flintofte     Wether Coate
William Chapman     Lockton House
said Samuell Easton  Bridge Howse
William Chapman jun Yow Coate
Roger Dobson          Timberholme
William Coates         Grimes Holme
John Boy dec            one cottage on the moor
John Saunderson       Raisdale Mill House
said John Saunderson Clonge Howse
Mary Barley widdowe Crosletts
Stephen Hewgill        Hewhill
Henry Garbutt           Brick House
Richard Kirke           Hawtherley
Roberte Watson        Sable Holme
Percival Harker         Bruckley
William Lion              Beakengest
William Kirke            1/2 Carwell Head
John Hewthwaite       1/2 Carwell Head
William Coulson        Nether Mill Howse
Richard Moone         Coniser
William Greenside     1/2 Stonehowse
Peter Slightholme       1/2 Robert Crofy
William Hutchinson    1/2 Stonehowse
William Easton           Fangaile Becke

Published: 19 2016 (Updated: 26 2022)

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